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soil nematode中文是什么意思

用"soil nematode"造句"soil nematode"怎么读"soil nematode" in a sentence


  • 土壤线虫


  • Soil nematodes are the most abundant metazoan , which have various types of life - history and feeding habits , and play a key role in soil food web
  • Lindane ddt deltamethrin and carbofuran to exert a certain influence to soil nematode density , nematode community structure in being cultivated in a pot and experimental , but not a decisive factor
    林丹、 ddt 、溴氰菊酯和呋喃丹对模拟实验中的土壤线虫密度、线虫群落结构产生一定影响,但不是决定因素。
  • This paper introduces the main factors influencing soil nematode diversity in farmland ecosystems , reviews the present situation in the nematode diversity research field and presents the research prospect of nematode diversity in the future
用"soil nematode"造句  


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